Travel Reports » Diving reports from Palau

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Peleliu – Diving on Palau Island (Palau)

Categories: Travel reports, Oceania, Palau

When we studied Palau before our trip, we often encountered the name Peleliu. Peleliu is a state of Palaus and is located about 50 kilometers southwest of the city of Koror. The island had interested us for two reasons: On the one hand, some of the most beautiful dive sites of Palaus are to be found here and on the other hand you can see some relics from the Second World War.

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Jake Seaplane – Diving at the Plane Wreck (Palau)

Categories: Travel reports, Oceania, Palau

On today’s diving day, when we already had two dives in the southern lagoon, we went back to the diving school of Fish ‘n Fins. Here we briefly loaded new diving bottles onto the boat, because today we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do a third dive. This usually goes to Jake Seaplane,just 5 minutes from Koror. We didn’t want to miss that. On Aruba we already had the opportunity to see a plane underwater and were …

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