Travel Reports » Asia

Asia, which from the Assyrian word Assus means “region towards the sunrise”, is with its 47 states the largest continent in terms of area and with over four billion people also the most populous. Both India and China each have over one billion people. The largest cities are Beijing, Shanghai, Istanbul, Karachi, Mumbai, Guangzhou, Delhi and Jakarta.

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Robinson Club Maldives – Deep & Breeze Diving (Maldives)

Categories: Travel reports, Asia, Maldives

When we first arrived in the Maldives at Veligandu Island Resort in 2012, we didn’t have a diving license. We did our PADI Open Water course only one year later at the Atmosphere Resort in the Philippines. But since we liked the underwater world of the Maldives already at that time while snorkeling, it was clear to us that we definitely want to dive here again.

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Robinson Club Maldives – Our wedding on the beach (Maldives)

Categories: Travel reports, Asia, Maldives, Dream Destinations

Marrybare foot on the beach… who doesn’t dream of it? Since travelling is our great shared passion, it has always been clear to us that we want to celebrate our wedding away from home. Somewhere in the warmth it should be… ideally on the beach in fine weather. And what better way to do this than the dreamlike island world of the Maldives ❤

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Robinson Club Maldives – Our Overwater Bungalow (Maldives)

Categories: Travel reports, Asia, Maldives

ROBINSON Club Maldives is located in Gaaf Alif Atoll in the southern part of the Maldives, about 60 km north of the equator. The 107,000 sqm club area can only be reached by domestic flight from Male and by speedboat. Once you have made this long journey, a deserted island called Funamadua awaits you – just 450 by 240 meters in size, located in the middle of paradise and surrounded by turquoise blue water and white sandy beach. Robinson (Crusoe) …

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