Travel Reports » UNESCO Weltnaturerbe

The UNESCO World Heritage List was first opened in 1978 and today includes 1,121 sites in more than 167 countries (as of May 2020), which are world-renowned in their uniqueness, authenticity and integrity. These are currently 869 cultural monuments, 213 natural sites and 39 mixed natural and cultural sites. The exceptional universal value of the site is fundamental to the award and registration as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In other words, a cultural and/or natural meaning that is so extraordinary that it permeates national borders and is important for both present and future generations of all humanity. The natural sites have outstanding natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance, are exceptional examples of the main stages of earth history or important habitats of biodiversity on earth.

These are our travel reports from UNESCO World Heritage Sites:

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Palau – Scenic Flight over the Rock Islands & Seventy Islands (Palau)

Categories: Travel reports, Dream Destinations, Oceania, Palau

Even before our holiday we had seen the pictures of the Rock Islands in Palau in the diving magazines and on the internet, we knew that we really wanted to make a scenic flight over the Ngerukeuid Islands (better known as The Seventy Islands). We think sightseeing flights are just a great opportunity to marvel at our world from above and get a completely different perspective on our earth. For example, we have already made sightseeing flights over the Blue …

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