By bus from La Paz (Bolivia) to Puno (Peru)

Categories: Travel reports, South America, Peru

Today, the 300 km long route from La Paz (Bolivia) via Copacabana to Puno (Peru) along Lake Titicaca was ahead of us.



Today’s bus ride from La Paz to Puno

Just in time at 7 o’clock we were picked up by a tour bus (Kanoo Tours) at our hotel in La Paz. Since we were the first to be collected, it took 1.5 hours before we could leave La Paz. The current route to Puno is about 300 kilometers long.

The journey along Lake Titicaca

After a short drive we saw for the first time the banks of Lake Titicaca. Lake Titicaca is the highest commercially navigable body of wateron Earth, located at an altitude of 3,810 meters and is about 15 times the size of Lake Constance. The lake is 178 kilometers long and 68 kilometers wide and has a maximum depth of 281 meters.

The crossing in the village of San Pedro de Tiquina

In the small village of San Pedro de Tiquina we all had to get off the bus and cross part of Lake Titicaca by passenger boat. The empty bus was transferred to the other side of the lake at the same time and collected us again. Everywhere on the streets you can see the women in their typical robes.

The city of Copacabana

Around noon we reached the town of Copacabana, where our bus ride ended. Since the journey towards Puno continued only an hour later, we had a little time to see the town of Copacabana. Copacabana looks like a small fishing village, which is completely geared towards the many backpackers. Everywhere there are small cafes, restaurants and many hostels and everything is geared towards excursions on Lake Titikaka. Not far from the city centre there is a small basilica to visit.

Exit from Bolivia & entry to Peru

At 1.30 p.m. we went on to the Bolivian border, where we had to get our stamp to leave. Afterwards we went on foot across the border to Peru, where we had to pick up our entry stamp at the border post. The whole process took just over an hour, as several buses had arrived at the same time and the queue was correspondingly long. Then we were told : “
Welcome to Peru
” 🙂

Our hotel in Puno

After another two hours bus ride we arrived in Puno at the bus station. From there we walked to our Hotel Tierra Viva Puno Plaza, which is located in the centre. The Hotel Tierra Viva Puno Plaza deserves a 5-point rating: central location, super helpful and friendly staff, beautifully designed rooms, in-room heating, rich breakfast (with real bread rolls!), free tea at the reception 24 hours a day. There is nothing that could have been done better. For a stay in Puno the first choice!

Hotel, Tierra Viva Puno, Travel Report, South America, Peru

Our room at Hotel Tierra Viva Puno

All travelogues from Peru

Peru was one of the countries which was set from the beginning in the planning our world trip 🙂 We had already seen so many pictures of the Inca city Machu Picchu that we definitely wanted to see it. And our route through Peru we could also connect perfectly with Bolivia and Ecuador.

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» Cusco – Tourist Attractions, Things to Do & Photo Spots (Peru)
» Pass road La Raya – By bus from Puno to Cusco (Peru)
» Puno & the floating villages of the Uros in Lake Titikaka (Peru)
» By bus from La Paz (Bolivia) to Puno (Peru)